1900 US Federal Census
Washington Parish, Louisiana
Head of Household: William Gerald, age 53
Wife: Liza, age 43
Daughter: Opheliar, age 28
Daughter: Clotiel, age 27
Daughter: Casandry, age 25
Daughter: Mary, age 22
Son: William, age 20
Son: James, age 18
Son: Daniel, age 16
Daughter: Lizia, age 11
Son: John, age 10
Son: Alexander, age 8
Son: Olla, age 4
Daughter: Cordelia, age 5 months

Note: The far right columns indicate how many children a woman had and how many were still living. According to this, Eliza had given birth to 15 children, 12 of whom were living in 1900. Also, it shows that daughter Ophelia had 5 children. I wonder where they were and why she was living with her parents at this time?